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NHSmail is a free, secure email system that is available to all CQC- registered care providers in England who have achieved Approaching Standards on the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

Our team supports Care Providers to enable them to use secure email to communicate with GP practices and other health professionals. NHSmail is the secure email provided by NHS Digital for all social care organisations.


Benefits of NHSmail:

  • Improved communication between healthcare professionals and staff across the NHS
  • Reduces the risk of data breaches
  • Protects patient privacy
  • Compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms
  • NHSmail improves the safety, quality and efficiency of information sharing between health & social care

Useful links

Check your DSPT status and find your ODS code

Click Here

Register for NHSmail

Click Here

NHSmail Portal

Click Here

NHSmail resources

If you are interested in finding out more around our NHSmail support offer, then please complete our form by clicking here. Alternatively, you can email us: