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Digital Maturity Matrix

We know that when technology is embedded into care and support, it can transform people’s lives. As part of the What Good Looks Like (WGLL) Framework for Social Care developed by NHS England (NHSE) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), we have developed a self-assessment in order to understand your digital maturity within Norfolk & Waveney.


The WGLL Framework is structured around the 7 measures of success for digital working in adult social care services. This is outlined by 3 categories that define the goals for digital transformation in health and social care: transform, digitalise, connect which can be found in the figure to the right.



Action for Norfolk & Waveney Care Providers

Please can we ask all Norfolk & Waveney Social Care Providers to read through the self-assessment document to confirm your digital maturity results. Please then enter your results via the online form for each CQC registered location.


The self-assessment document & form have been created in sections, centred around the 7 measures of success – this will allow us to evaluate your answers in order to establish your level of digital maturity for each category. In addition, completing this will identify areas that we can support you with to reach the next level of digital maturity within your care organisation.


Please note: the self-assessment document won’t need to be sent back to us; the document is to assist you with completing the form only.

Useful links

Self Assessment Form

A link to the online form

Click Here

Self Assessment Document

Supporting guidance

Click Here

What Good Looks Like Framework

Department of H&SC guidance

Click Here


If you are interested in finding out more around our Digital Maturity Matrix, then please complete our form by clicking here. Alternatively, you can email us: