Ratification Date: 01/06/2029

Next Review Date: 30/06/2024

Level 3 Criteria, Providers and Exclusions {Under Review}


No. Criterion Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS)
1 Ovarian Reserve Testing, use the following:


To be eligible, the patient should have an AMH level of more than

5.4pmol/l measured in the last 12 months of referral from secondary care to the specialist IVF provider*.

*During the transition to AMH testing it is anticipated that some Trusts may not be able to offer AMH immediately. During this period, to be eligible the patient should have an FSH of <9 on day two of any menstrual cycle done within three months of referral from secondary care to a specialist IVF provider.

2 Maternal age/Number of cycles of IVF. For prospective parents/parent aged between 23 years and 39 years and 364 days, the policy supports a maximum of 4 embryo transfers within a maximum of 2 fresh cycles of IVF, with or without ICSI, this includes any abandoned cycles.

Prospective parents/parent aged 23 to 39 years and 364 days at the start of super-ovulation (treatment) but where a woman reaches the age of 40 during treatment they will complete that cycle in the 40th year and will not be entitled to commence further cycles. 40th

3 Paternal Age No cut off age to be specified
4 Minimum / Maximum BMI Between at least BMI 19 and up to BMI 30 for female.  Prospective parents/parent outside of this range will not be added to the waiting list and should be referred back to their referring clinician and/or general practitioner for management if required.

Same-Sex Couples

BMI eligibility criteria above apply only:-

To the female partner undergoing fertility treatment

5 Duration of sub-fertility Unexplained infertility for 3 years or more of regular intercourse or an equivalent 6 self-funded cycles of artificial insemination over a period of 3 years.  There is no criterion for cases with a diagnosed cause of infertility.  See also criteria no 14.
6 Previous Fertility treatment for Women <40 years NHS treatment limit up to maximum of 4 embryo transfers, with a maximum of 2 fresh cycles of assisted conception (IVF or IVF with ICSI if required and including sperm retrieval where indicated).

Previous privately or NHS funded cycles will count towards the total number of fresh cycles funded by the NHS.

7 Previous fertility treatment for women ≥40 years Women aged between 40-41 years and 364 days are not eligible for further cycles of IVF or IVF with ICSI.

Previous privately or NHS funded cycles will count towards the total number of fresh cycles funded by the NHS.

Women aged between 40-41 years and 364 days may be entitled to 1 fresh cycle of IVF but where:

  • They have never previously had IVF treatment
  • There is no evidence of low ovarian reserve
  • There has been a discussion of the additional implications of IVF and pregnancy at this stage
8 Smoking Status Prospective parents/parent  who smoke will not be eligible for NHS-funded specialist assisted reproduction assessment or treatment

Where either a prospective parents/parent smokes, only those who agree to take part in a supportive and successful programme of smoking cessation with Carbon Monoxide verification as an evidence of non-smoking status will be accepted onto the IVF treatment waiting list.

E-cigarette users are classed as e-cigarette users not smokers. It is recognised that vaping is not the same as smoking, as there is no burning of tobacco which produces some of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes. It has been recognised by Public Health England that the long terms effects of e-cigarettes are not known but PHE current state that they are 93% than safer cigarettes.

There is no evidence whether there are any risks to the foetus from exposure to e-cigarette usage, therefore licensed stop smoking medications are currently the recommended option.

9 Parental Status Prospective parents/parent are ineligible for treatment if there are any living children from the current or any previous relationships, regardless of whether the child resides with them.   This includes any adopted child within their current or previous relationships; this will apply to adoptions either in or out of the current or previous relationships.
10 Previous sterilisation Ineligible if previous sterilisation has taken place (either prospective parents/parent), even if it has been reversed.
11 Child Welfare Providers must meet the statutory requirements to ensure the welfare of the child.  This includes HFEA’s Code of Practice which considers the ‘welfare of the child which may be born’ and takes into account the importance of a stable and supportive environment for children as well as the pre-existing health status of the parents.

Referrals forms to Level 2 and 3 fertility services ask the Provider to state whether there is any reason due to past medical or social history of either prospective parents/parent, which may be of concern with regard to the welfare of the unborn child. In the event of a disclosure, a referral should not be made, instead the GP or Level 2 clinician should contact the ICB Designated Nurse or Doctor and/or local children’s services in order to assess the risk.

12 Medical Conditions Treatment may be denied on other medical grounds not explicitly covered in this document.
13 Residential Status For consideration of funding, prospective Parent/Parents must meet the following criteria:-

  • The prospective parent/parent must be registered with a GP within Norfolk & Waveney ICS for 12+ months.

and /or

  • In the case of prospective parents, one of the prospective parents must be registered with a GP within Norfolk and Waveney ICS area for 12+ months.

If prospective parents/parent are registered at different GP Practices, the relevant ICB policy is where the female is registered.

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System(ICS)

14 The cause of Infertility Where infertility is the primary factor for the request for Assisted Conception, in order to be eligible for treatment, prospective parents/parent should have experienced unexplained infertility for three years or more of regular intercourse or 6 cycles of self-funded artificial insemination over a period of 3 years.  There is no criterion for prospective parents/parent  with a diagnosed cause of infertility –please see the following link for common causes of infertility:   https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/infertility/

This is distinguished from requests for Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) as a treatment option, as described on page 6 of this policy which is line with NICE guidance.

15 The minimum investigations required prior to referral to the Level 3 fertility service: Female:

  • Laparoscopy and/or hysteroscopy and/or hysterosalpingogram  or ultrasound scan where appropriate
  • Rubella antibodies
  • Day 2 FSH
  • Chlamydia screening
  • Hep B including core antibodies and Hep C and HIV status and core, within the last 3 months of treatment and repeated every 2 years.


  • Preliminary Semen Analysis and appropriate investigations where abnormal (including genetics)
  • Hep B including core antibodies and Hep C, within the last 3 months and repeated after 2 years.
  • HIV status
16 Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD and associated specialist fertility treatment is the commissioning responsibility of NHS England and is excluded from the ICB commissioned service.
17 Rubella Status The woman must be rubella immune
18 IUI (Unstimulated) As per NICE guidance 2013.

Maximum of 6 cycles of IUI (as a replacement for IVF/ICSI and without donor sperm)



Level 3 fertility service providers

Bourn Hall Clinic
Bourn Hall Clinic Bourn
Cambridge CB23 2TN
Tel: 01954 717210


Bourn Hall Clinic Colchester
Charter Court
Newcomen Way
Essex CO4 9YA
Tel: 01954 717210


Bourn Hall Clinic Norwich
Unit 3 The Apex
Gateway 11, Farrier Close
Norfolk NR18 0WF
Tel: 01954 717210

NHS net: bournhall​.referrals​@nhs​.net
Web: https:/​/​www​.bournhall​.co​.uk/​

Exceptional cases:

Prospective parents/parent who do not meet the criteria and consider they have exceptional circumstances should be considered under the Individual Funding Request (IFR) policy of their ICB. All IFR funding queries should be directed to the IFR team of the ICB who may liaise with the central contracting team. Funding of such exceptional cases is the responsibility of the ICB.