Ratification Date: 24/05/2022

Next Review Date: 24/05/2023

Hip Resurfacing



Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) will fund hip resurfacing if the patient meets the outlined algorithm as per the hip arthroplasty policy and if deemed clinically appropriate by a specialist as a treatment option. This is in line with NICE Technology appraisal guidance [TA304]: Total hip replacement and resurfacing arthroplasty for end-stage arthritis of the hip.

The decision in relation to the choice of hip resurfacing or hip replacement should ordinarily be made at the point of assessment by the orthopaedic surgeon rather than referral.


Cases for Individual Funding Consideration

IFR form to be completed if the patient does not meet the criteria for Hip Arthroplasty


Reference: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ta304