Ratification Date: 22/12/2022

Next Review Date: 13/03/2025

Cryopreservation of sperm, oocytes and embryos in patients whose treatment poses a risk to their fertility

Freezing & storage of Sperm/Eggs/Embryos



Note 1: Preservation of gametes should take place when there is a confirmed timetable for the start of the patient’s treatment

The funding of cryopreservation does not automatically entitle people to NHS funding for assisted conception. Applicants should be aware that they must meet Norfolk & Waveney ICB eligibility criteria for the Assisted Conception policy at the time of applying for NHS funded specialist fertility treatments.

For those seeking NHS funded assisted conception treatment, please refer to the Assisted Conception Policy June 2019 criteria.

Note 2:

  • Prior to undergoing cryopreservation of gametes, the patient should be deemed medically fit to undergo emergency cryopreservation, and should be supported by a specialist clinician
  • Women must be aged no greater than 41 years and 364 days
  • There is no lower age limit for gamete or embryo cryopreservation as long as it is clinically appropriate.
  • Females under the age of 18 years who require cryopreservation must be treated at a specialist paediatric accredited centre.

Norfolk and Waveney ICB will fund Cryopreservation of sperm, oocytes and embryos in patients whose medical intervention poses a risk to their fertility if they meet the criteria as set out below

Criteria for funding:

  1. Patients faced with infertility as a consequence of their medical intervention
  1. Duration:
  • Cryopreservation for fertility preservation for adults may be funded for ten years.
  • Children and young people gamete storage will be funded up to their 28th birthday*

* Adulthood is deemed to be from 18 years of age.

Note 3:

If fertility is found to have returned, either through fertility testing or through conception and natural pregnancy, continued storage will not be funded by Norfolk and Waveney ICB. Where patients wish to continue storage of gametes, arrangements can be made directly with the provider


Policy Exclusions (the following are outside the scope of this policy):

  • Cryopreservation of ovarian and testicular tissue.
  • Individuals who have previously been sterilised.
  • Embryo storage using donor sperm.

Please note – In the event the patient dies or lacks the capacity to make decisions during the funded storage period and has nominated next of kin for material to be passed to, the ICB will continue to fund storage of material for a further six months whilst the next of kin consider what to do with the stored material. Should the gamete provider’s nominated next of kin wish to continue storing the material beyond this six-month period of grace, then they can make arrangements directly with the provider. Before the storage process begins, the clinic will ask the patient to sign consent forms which allow the patient to specify what should happen to the material if the gamete provider were to die or lack capacity to make decisions.

Please see link relating to the Gender Services Clinical Programme( NHSE) –NHSE Commissioning – Gender Services

Information for Health Care Professionals (Bourn Hall):

Who can be referred to Bourn Hall Clinic for sperm / egg / embryo freezing?

Request for Fertility Preservation for Patients Undergoing Medical Treatment


Cases for Individual Funding Consideration (Patients who do not meet the policy criteria)

On a case-to-case basis, patients might be eligible for intervention, in consideration of their exceptionality. The requesting clinician must provide information to support the case for being considered an exception, by submitting an individual funding request.