Ratification Date: 25/01/2024

Next Review Date: 01/06/2029

Bobath Therapy For Children with Cerebral Palsy

(Neurodevelopmental Treatment)

Not Routinely Funded


Bobath therapy is considered a low priority treatment and is not routinely commissioned.

Please refer to the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) Individual Funding Requests policy at:

IFR policy

Funding for initial assessment

Referral for initial assessment at the Bobath Centre will be considered on an individual basis by the Norfolk and Waveney ICB Individual Funding Requests Panel, for children with cerebral palsy who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Referral is considered by the multidisciplinary team caring for the child, led and supported by the Lead Consultant Community/Acute Paediatrician.
  • The child should have one or more of the following:
    • Severe, complex cerebral palsy.
    • Ataxic cerebral palsy.
    • Athetoid cerebral palsy.
    • Children with severe feeding difficulties.
    • Dystonic cerebral palsy.
    • Acute neurological deficit (motor deficit with or without movement disorder) due to a sudden catastrophic brain insult.
  • Demonstrable evidence that the child’s condition is deteriorating and all locally available services have been exhausted and have failed.
  • Bobath therapy is suitable for the child and significant, measurable outcomes are expected following this therapy.
  • Parents are capable of carrying out the Bobath programme at home.


Funding for therapy

Referrers should complete the following information which is then presented to the Individual funding panel for assessment.

Funding for treatment will be considered when the panel has all of the following information:

  • Assessment report from the Bobath Centre that supports the suitability of the child for therapy.
  • Expected cost details are provided and considered appropriate by the Commissioners.
  • Treatment plan with measurable outcomes of the proposed therapy.
  • Timeline and commitment to provide regular progress reports.


Please note: further funding will be declined if there is no significant improvement in the patient’s condition on review.


Note: This policy is assigned static and applies indefinitely, unless or until new evidence available is likely to have a material effect on the policy